Sunday, October 11, 2009

One of my boots has a crack?

One of my boots has one big crack, or wrinkle i guess you could say.

Now when I put my weight on that foot I fall over. Is there anyway I can buy just one boot, or any kind of tape or something to fix this?

Thank You!

One of my boots has a crack?
depends where the crack is? you could try and find out if where you brought the skates from could fix it? or take it to a shoe fixing place?

you could try some of the white tape most people stick around there skates to hide there laces in comps forgotten the name of it!

but to be honest if it is really bad i would suggest a new pair of skates.
Reply:your welcome that is one of the most common areas to crack mine went there must be using your knees well!!! i would suggest buying a new pair. Report It

Reply:well i ice skate and if your boot cracked it may not be a good boot for your leavle or i dont know for shure but maby u can go to a good skating shope and get it fixt like were u get them sharped and adjusted
Reply:you need to go to a guy that can fix it but like they said it depends where the crack is


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