Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is the correct fit for bells boots?

Can someone tell me exactly how Bells Boot are properly fitted.I just got I just got the classic equine No Turn DL Bell Boots


and I just wanted to make sure they are fitting my pony properly.She will be jumping in these (I do hunters) if that changes anything.I've never really used bell boots so Im new to them.

What is the correct fit for bells boots?
Rachel pretty much summed it up. hunters can only show in bell boots if it really muddy in the ring. bell boots need to cover the heel and if the horse is shod the back of the shoe or else they are pointless.
Reply:Well, first off as far as I know hunters aren't allowed to use boots. At least at the shows I've been to.

But anyway, they are defiantly a good idea. You should be able to fit two fingers in between the hoof and the boot, and the back of the boot should sort of hover over the ground, not too low or too high up.


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