Friday, March 12, 2010

Boots still in?

Is it still trendy to wear boots? Not uggs--tall black boots with a big heel.

Please don't say things like "trends don't matter; just be confident in yourself." I know that, but I need to make a style decision here.


Boots still in?
It depends on the shape of the toe. Round or pointed are in. Also the heel. If the heel it skinny or wedge, it's definitely in style!
Reply:Yeah that's right, I've seen a lot of heeled boots around lately. Report It

Reply:Best boots this season are slouchy boots. Or anything suede.
Reply:suppose so. i like them, even though i dont own any. :)
Reply:slouch boots are definately in, probably not the tall black boots though, sorry
Reply:Boots are always in. It just depends on what you're wearing, and where you're going. I find that a classy boot with a slender heel looks fabulous with almost everything. Good luck!
Reply:heck yes ! Tuck some skinny jeans in them or wear with a will create a trendy and sleek style
Reply:yes boots Are still in
Reply:As far as I'm concerned, tall black boots always look good on a woman (I'm a guy.)
Reply:yah i think their cute i know a lot of ppl that have boots like that (im like you if their not in i wont wear them even though i know be your self trends dont matter)

hope i helped!
Reply:yes, boots are THE hottest item for fall especially in the colour black. i wouldn't recomend big heel, because boots go VERY well with tall slim heel. like a stiletto. i slims your legs as well. and makes anyone appear tall,slim and sexy.(:


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