Friday, March 12, 2010

Boots - animal testing?

Okay, I've heard that Boots' own brands don't test on animals, but what I need to know is do Boots sell any brands that test on animals? I am already aware that ingredients in all products will have been tested on animals at one time or another. I need to know if any brands do test on animals e.g. Bourjois, Rimmel, Max Factor etc. Answers will be much appreciated!

Boots - animal testing?
Link to list of companies that do %26amp; do not test on animals:

For more information:
Reply:Rimmel and Max Factor test on animals. So in answer to your question, yes Boots do sell products from other companies that animal test. they sell lancome, loreal, elizabeth arden I think, pantene and numerous more that all test on animals. I still shop there but buy only non animal tested products.

I go on the website all for animals or peta to get this information.
Reply:It should tell you on the back of the item. If it doesn't say then it has been tested.
Reply:Im not sure about Boots. Rimmel and Almay are the only mainstream companies that do not do animal testing. Try Lush products--you can buy them online.
Reply:Mary Kay does not test on animals :)


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